October 17, 2009

More Causes of Teenage Pregnancy

First of all, I want to give my opinion on Noraida’s second point that peer group’s role contributing to solving teenage pregnancy problems. I have pro and cons on her point.

Negative view - A lot of teenagers indulge in early sexual behavior due to peer pressure. Teenagers growing in largely promiscuous societies tend to date far earlier than others in slightly more conventional setups. This is due to the fact that they feel the great need to be 'hip' and 'accepted' by their circle of friends. The only way they could probably achieve that would be by having a boyfriend or girlfriend or at least by dating and indulging in sexual acts often. This kind of rash behavior could lead to unintended pregnancies.

Positive view - Me, myself as a friend to my friend shall and will give my best efforts to help her/him. You also will do the same, don’t u? Maybe not in term of money coz I’m not rich but in term of good advice from myself experiencing things that can be shared together. This will help them from doing the same mistakes that I did. Well, u know what I mean right? I think - A good friend is hard to find but when u find one it will be friends forever!

Thank you raidah, for giving me extra point to add to my topics of discussion on teenage pregnancy. “Teenagers come from poor family” is the key to my next point. In our world today most especially in the developing country, teenage pregnancy is as a result of traditional roles and early marriage, because teenage pregnancy is seen as a blessing and a proof that the young woman is fertile. In most cases, poverty contributes to this, when one does not have someone to take care of her at her early age.

The in-take of drugs, alcohol etc contributes a lot to teenage pregnancy too. Meanwhile, as a teenager you may not be ready for sexual intercourse at that moment but being intoxicated with drugs and alcohol makes you to be involved in unintended sexual activity just because sex at that time is less emotionally painful and embarrassing. To avoid this, eradicate anything alcohol or drugs.

Let’s go to my next point on causes of teenage pregnancy. Contraceptive failure. This is yet another very fundamental reason for teenage pregnancies today. Though there are many types and brands of contraceptives and emergency birth control pills easily available in the market, these are never a guarantee for complete safety. Only Mother Nature knows when she might want to get into action, so no form of birth control is going to be completely foolproof! Sometimes, not knowing how to use a contraceptive properly can lead to unwanted teenage pregnancy.

Educating teenager about the consequences of promiscuous behavior and giving him/her a loving, balanced home atmosphere, can actually go a long way in curbing unwanted teenage pregnancy in the future. This, along with stern steps taken by both the school and the government will surely help nip this problem in the bud.

Hope to hear news from all of u soon. I will continue giving my findings next time. Bye.

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