October 8, 2009

Lost & Found


Welcome to our blog my group members! Tq for your time and effort in contributing your ideas/findings/comments and more in this blog. One of our group member is still missing. Is anyone know what happen to her? Well, I hope Nurkhalimaton will be joining our discussion soon!

Before we discuss further on our topics, I want to share my experience with you all about my "Open House" during Hari Raya. What happen is that during the occasion, my family and I are surprised by a group of people we didn't met before saying that they are coming for the engagement ceremony at our house. Mistakenly they got the wrong house. Ha! Ha! Ha!

If you have any stories/experience or anything that you want to share with us please don't hesitate to jot down okay.

The issues of teenage pregnancy are complicated by our conflicting attitudes and behaviors. Talk of sex fills the airwaves, younger girls are portrayed as sex objects, and sex is used to sell everything from clothing to news. Yet we are shocked at the rising numbers of teens who are pregnant. If we are truly concerned about the problem of teenage pregnancy, we must move beyond the moral panic and designing an effective solutions on this matter.

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