October 7, 2009

definition of teenage pregnancy

see you again
today i would like to share with you all about definition of teenage pregnancy.
who is teenage?teenage means the people usually within the ages of 13- 19 years old.
teenage pregnancy is defined as a teenaged or underage girl becoming pregnant.
Data supporting teenage pregnancy as a social issue in developed countries include lower educational levels, higher rates of proverty, and other poorer "life outcomes" in children of teenage mothers. Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage, and carries a social stigma in many communities and cultures. For these reason, there have been many studies and campaigns which attempt to uncover the causes and limit the numbers of teenage pregnancies.However in other countries and cultures, particularly in the developing world, teenage pregnancy is usually within marriage and does not involve a social stigma.
Statistic shown that United State and United Kingdom have the highest level of teenage pregnancy,while Japan and South Korea have the lowest.

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