October 15, 2009

Consequence of raging hormones!

Experimenting with sex and the consequences of unsafe sex can many times be the root cause of teen pregnancies.

Most teenagers experience sudden and hitherto unknown emotions and feelings during their early puberty. The onset of puberty causes a huge rush of hormones in the body, giving rise to hitherto unknown sexual desires and the formation of a new identity of one's own sexuality. All this, coupled with a sudden sense of new-found freedom and sexuality, results in many of them giving vent to their feelings through sexual expressions and experiences. This combined with a natural sense of rebellion and the desire to 'express freedom' results in the teen indulging in acts of sex without really considering how heinous this may prove to be in the future.
Of course, most countries stress on sex education in schools, but yet, some teenagers involve themselves in unsafe sex, which could lead to unwanted pregnancies. This is one of the most vital reasons for teenage pregnancies at this time.

Other definition of Teenage pregnancy

A teen pregnancy could be loosely defined as a girl attaining motherhood before she reaches the legal age of adulthood.

In my opinion, a teen pregnancy can actually be quite hazardous to both the mother and her infant. The teenage girl is too young and her reproductive system, too vulnerable at this stage of her life. Under such circumstances, her falling pregnant and giving birth to a child can take a permanent toll on her whole life system.

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